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<p class="font_8">Over 2.5 million free images available for Hookle users now</p>

Tue Feb 16 2021 11:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Introducing Unsplash images

The Hookle app is now available with Unsplash image platform integration that provides Hookle users a huge amount of images to be used in their social media posts, for free.

What is Unsplash

Unsplash is a website dedicated to sharing stock photography under the Unsplash license. The website brings together over 230,000 contributing photographers and generates more than 20 billion photo impressions per month on their growing library of over 2.5 million photos.

New ideas and fresh content quickly

Are you familiar with the feeling "I have no suitable images to publish with my post." Woo-hoo! Those times are over now.

When creating a new post, Hookle users can take a picture with camera, use saved images in the phone and the cloud and, from now on, also have the option to select an image using the "Unsplash" button. The button opens you the Unsplash image grid where you can search for a picture quickly using the keyword of your choice. For example "coffee" would bring you a bunch of awesome coffee related pictures to be chosen from for your post. All quickly, and for free!

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"Hookle är bara en stor tidsbesparare för mig"  - Anton Sutinen, Glasskioskägare


"Med Hookle kan jag nå kunderna mer effektivt, varje dag!"  - Louise Murchie


Hookle är superpraktiskt för att lägga upp på flera kanaler samtidigt! "  - Mikko och Anne Silmala

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